Bush wouldn't pardon this turkey, so it had to "persuade" him
Thanksgiving has finally crossed the line and become insane. Sarah Palin appears in an interview following her pardoning of a turkey. If you do not know what this is, it is a very strange custom in which politicians will "pardon" a turkey and it will in turn not be killed for thanksgiving.
What a wonderful sentiment, let the one turkey live and slaughter the rest of its family, and then have a celebration in honor of this. This seems oddly familiar to another event we celebrate this time of year...
Oh right! That time we came over to land that wasn't ours, had the indigenous people teach us how to maximize what we got from the land, and then gave them small pox.
In honor of this "unfortunate" series of coincidentally beneficial events, we now have Thanksgiving. I am sure that the Palin interview mirrors something similar that would have happened back in those founding days of our nation.
She stands there, in front of a large machine while a man lowers turkeys head first into a tube, and then removes their heads. Palin remains completely unfazed, because hell, she did all she could do. Pardoning one turkey was hard enough, you seriously want her to pardon all of those? Then what are her 1823 children (and grandchild on the way!) going to eat?
Imagine a very similar situation as a curious reporter asks an English settler about the new land:
Reporter: Well it sure looks like you've got some great land here, how did you find uninhabited, quality land?
Settler: Just dumb luck I guess. (As native americans in the background attempt to extinguish tee-pee fires)
Reporter: We found these vials of small pox just sitting around, any idea what these were for?
Settler: ...Over here we have our new irrigation system
Reporter: Is that a body?
Settler: ...
**Headline: Reporter dies after severe case of smallpox and scalping**
At this time of year, it becomes important to realize what you are truly thankful for:
1. Small Pox, without it we wouldn't have Thanksgiving break or Thanksgiving. I wouldn't get to go home from college, see all of my friends and eat hot, delicious home cooked food.
2. Pocahontas, for drilling the idea of American sympathies towards Native Americans into the minds of our children for decades.
3. Ramen, for being 45 cents a package and also for being so tasty
4. Treadmills, for burning off ramen and 1-am wings from two brothers
5. Canada, for stealing Thanksgiving from us. Now everyone is distracted and thinks you're douche bags while we celebrate genocide with a 4 course meal.
6. The NY Jets, for beating the overrated Tennessee Titans so that the Giants can establish themselves officially as the best team in the NFL
7. Andy Reid, for being football play calling retarded and then selfishly putting the blame on Donovan McNabb. It's like watching a soap opera only I don't feel emasculated.
8. John Cusack, for existing so that girls could tell me I look like him and make starting conversations easier.
9. John Madden, for teaching me that I really can be anything I want, even if I don't have the skill set to do it. The man says nothing for two and a half hours and has a video game named after him... One of life's great mysteries.
10. Myself, because without me, where would I be?
...Did that just blow your mind?
For example, this hairdryer will blow your mind.
How about this...
Every time you try to get to a certain point, you first have to go halfway there. Then, to continue to your destination, you have to go half way there as well. This pattern continues, with you continually getting halfway to your target from your current position, since you always have to get halfway there first. If that is the case, how do you ever get to your final destination, when there are an infinite number of halfway points to overcome.
jesse, i had no idea you were so philosophical!
i'm impressed.
Perri, I had no idea you were so sarcastic!
John Cusack was the best on the list!
Also [geek alert], the sum or limit approaching infinity of those halfway steps is a finite number. Don't worry, you won't have to walk on forever as I once thought..
BTFW (by the fucking way), my word verification is cencil!!!! WTF, I'm not alone with these, right?
I don't need word verifications due to the fact that this is my blog... But the other day on sentence of dave I got gerril... gerril
There are not in fact an infinite number of halfway points between you and your destination. The laws of physics and chemistry tell us that you will ultimately reach a point where there is nothing between you and your destination other than a single atom. At this point, what defines half-way? Half of an atom does not exist, and splitting the atom in half would result in a nuclear explosion which, at said proximity, would easily destroy both you and your destination. At this point, there is no half-way point, and even the slightest bit of movement would disrupt the single atom between you and your destination, resulting in you finally reaching your destination.
Give me a few days to emotionally recover from that mind rape
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